Learn breathing techniques that bring you back to life!
I have a passion for inspiring people to breathe. My speaking events combine live breathing sessions with engaging content to cultivate personal growth. Your audience will walk away with life-long skills and the motivation to put them into practice.
I specialize in leading people through breathing workshops to cultivate self-awareness. These events combine powerful guided breathing sessions, training, and theory. Your group will gain the skills they need to build an effective daily practice.
I work with people 1:1 or in small private groups with your friends or family. I'll teach you the foundations of breathwork and will help you incorporate the techniques into a realistic daily practice that's right for you.
Conscious Connected Breathing is the technique behind a guided breathing experience sometimes called "rebirthing." These sessions can induce peak states of consciousness, clear out the effects of adversity, and bring about profound states of relaxation. I generally only perform these sessions in person because they are so powerful. It's like dying and being reborn. A typical session takes about 4 hours, which includes training and preparation, about 90 minutes of active breathing, and time for integration afterwards.
Pranayama yoga, which is a Sanskrit word meaning "controlling energy" through the breath, involves several breathing techniques designed for daily practice. I place a strong emphasis on nadi shodhana pranayama, which is a technique that involves controlling the four phases of the breathing cycle (inhalation, internal retention, exhalation, external retention) at specific ratios. This technique is exceptional for increasing concentration, reducing stress, cultivating self-awareness, and developing the skill of meditation. It's a process of daily purification for the mind, body, soul, and spirit!
Just as "emotional intelligence" can have positive impacts on organizations and individuals, so too can cultivating "spiritual intelligence" (SI) have similar effects on wellness, resilience and leadership. SI revolves around cultivating traits like inner-directedness, mindfulness, and meaning-making. With a master's degree in consciousness studies (and ongoing PhD studies focused on the same), I'm well-positioned to help you integrate this challenging and meaningful topic into your life. By strengthening ourselves, and by deepening our capacity for spiritual consciousness, we can improve our lives and our ability to make a positive impact on the world around us. This content is integrated throughout my talks, workshops, and trainings.
What follows are examples of the content that can be covered in speaking events, breathing workshops, and private trainings. All events can be tailored.
I. Speaking Events are designed to inspire audiences to breathe. I discuss my near-death experience in detail. I also describe how peak experiences (including adversity) can make us stronger. The mechanism that helps us move from adversity to transformation, from trauma to transcendence, is breathing. I'll invite the audience to join me for a live guided breathing session and I'll teach them meaningful breathing practices that they can keep with them for a lifetime. Key topics include adversity and resilience, health and wellness, leadership, and spiritual consciousness or spiritual intelligence (SI). Watch a keynote on Adversity, Trauma, and Human Connection.
II. Breathing Workshops are designed to give people an opportunity to experience the power of breathing while also building a foundation of skills for a realistic daily practice. I recommend a full-day workshop for most groups. The morning involves a guided conscious connected breathing session with training, about 90 minutes of active breathing, and a period of integration. After breaking for lunch, the group returns in the afternoon to learn the skills of pranayama yoga which will help lay the foundation for an effective, realistic breathing practice. The afternoon session concludes with a guided meditation.
III. Private Online Trainings are offered 1:1 or in small groups with people you know (friends, family, co-workers etc.). I'll teach you the breathing techniques that you can incorporate into your daily practice. It's also an opportunity to dive deeper into the topics that interest you. These topics span across philosophy, consciousness, yoga theory, and spiritual consciousness. We'll tailor the session based on where you want to go.
Contact me today to discuss booking options for your next event. Whether you're looking for a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator, or personal breathwork training, I can provide customized services to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
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